Mike Ambrose

Mike Ambrose

“Sitting in the chair and watching in real-time on a large video screen, the dentist indicating in my mouth what he is planning to do was my first experience of a new way in which Sunninghill Dental Practice exploits the facilities of new technology.  It provided me with an understanding of my treatment and made me feel included in the process rather than being the captive specimen.

We live in an age of video technology.  If a “picture is worth a thousand words” then a live video must be worth a million words. In the past year, I have been able to see exactly what was planned and undertaken in the treatment of a problem root canal – a treatment which not only proved to be pain-free but which, because everything was explained beforehand with screened visuals, eliminated my misplaced trepidation.

Subsequently, I have been shown exactly how to clean my teeth properly.  I have been told often how to do so, but to see it on a high-quality video has given me a new enthusiasm for maintaining my mouth’s hygiene”

Mike Ambrose

Charlotte Holden

Charlotte Holden

“I want to comment on how fantastic Chairsyde is! What a great idea! It meant my boys really enjoyed the experience and were fully compliant throughout. Thank you for making the visit run so smoothly, they will be happy to return. I hope the idea is rolled out for all families to take advantage of, especially those like me who have a child with special needs!”.

Charlotte Holden
